Yep, I go by Sassy. That's it. Some may know me as Joan Olk, but not many. I was born and raised in Minnesota - Land of 10,000 Lakes and still reside here. My amazing husband, Jason, is my rock. He is my balance, best friend, supporter and I can't imagine a day without his love. From my first marriage I have two children, now adults (32 and 28), both which make their Momma very proud. Jason and I have our family, two little girls (fur babies) Sassy and Gracie - both peke-a-poos. Two years ago I became homebound due to numerous medical issues but I don't let that stop my spirit!

I love to get messy, work with my hands, and feel the textures. Inspiration comes to me from many sources - the beauty of life that surrounds me, the places I want to be in the future, and creating "outside-the-box". In addition, I am self-taught through tutorials and You Tube videos and every day find something else I want to try. I always give my best and that best may come after several attempts. I love mixed media, altering, and art journaling. I also enjoy photography (beginner), crochet, cooking/baking, reality TV, and online games.
Each day I choose happiness - making a choice in how we respond and approach what comes our way. Linnie Blooms - I am ready and am excited to be surrounded by so many creative souls. I know I will learn from each of you.

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